Title: In the Library Fandom: Numb3rs Characters: Colby Granger, Charlie Eppes Prompt: varietypack100 #88 School and eppes_slash Study Word Count: 618 Rating: K+ Summary: Colby’s got a secret. Author's Notes: See Author’s Assertion
Title: Jail Time Character/Pairing: Colby, OC Rating: T Summary: There will be jail time for the guilty. Word Count: 200 Spoilers: Nope Notes: Part of Wormholes Disclaimers: I may own a calculator, but I don’t own Numb3rs.
Title: The Cuffs Go On Character/Pairing: Colby, OC Rating: T Summary: A new pair of bracelets. Word Count: 200 Spoilers: Nope Notes: Part of Wormholes. Directly follows The Interrogation Room, The Confession, and The Arrest. Disclaimers: I may own a calculator, but I don’t own Numb3rs.
Title: The Arrest Character/Pairing: Colby, OC Rating: T Summary: Charges are pressed. Word Count: 200 Spoilers: Nope Notes: Part of Wormholes Disclaimers: I may own a calculator, but I don’t own Numb3rs.
Title: The Confession Character/Pairing: Colby, OC Rating: T Summary: That was fast! Word Count: 200 Spoilers: Nope Notes: Part of Wormholes Disclaimers: I may own a calculator, but I don’t own Numb3rs.